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Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) is an interdisciplinary listing of PhD dissertations and Master's theses from around the world. Documents can be downloaded and (where available) the first dozen pages are available as a preview. Dissertations and theses published since includes an abstract written by the author Faculty of Graduate Studies. University Centre. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada. Office: Fax: Welcome to MSpace! MSpace is the University of Manitoba’s Institutional Repository (IR). The purpose of MSpace is to acquire, preserve and provide access to the scholarly works of University faculty and students within an open access environment. Graduate Students and Researchers Graduate students: Deposit a thesis or practicum
How to find theses and dissertations at UMLibraries
· Thesis Information: Enter thesis title and abstract. Use the ‘Select File’ buttons to upload a PDF version of your thesis and ‘Approval to Proceed to PhD Thesis Examination’ form. Committee of Examiners: Enter the names, departments/units and email addresses of your examiners. Click ‘Submit’ Students will maintain full-time registration at both universities and must spend a minimum of one year at each institution. Students will defend their thesis only once at one of the universities. At the end of the program, the student will receive a PhD from the University of Manitoba and the collaborating university Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) is an interdisciplinary listing of PhD dissertations and Master's theses from around the world. Documents can be downloaded and (where available) the first dozen pages are available as a preview. Dissertations and theses published since includes an abstract written by the author
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Faculty of Graduate Studies. University Centre. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada. Office: Fax: Welcome to MSpace! MSpace is the University of Manitoba’s Institutional Repository (IR). The purpose of MSpace is to acquire, preserve and provide access to the scholarly works of University faculty and students within an open access environment. Graduate Students and Researchers Graduate students: Deposit a thesis or practicum · Thesis Information: Enter thesis title and abstract. Use the ‘Select File’ buttons to upload a PDF version of your thesis and ‘Approval to Proceed to PhD Thesis Examination’ form. Committee of Examiners: Enter the names, departments/units and email addresses of your examiners. Click ‘Submit’
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Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) is an interdisciplinary listing of PhD dissertations and Master's theses from around the world. Documents can be downloaded and (where available) the first dozen pages are available as a preview. Dissertations and theses published since includes an abstract written by the author Faculty of Graduate Studies. University Centre. University of Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada. Office: Fax: Students will maintain full-time registration at both universities and must spend a minimum of one year at each institution. Students will defend their thesis only once at one of the universities. At the end of the program, the student will receive a PhD from the University of Manitoba and the collaborating university
Welcome to MSpace!
Dissertations & Theses (ProQuest) is an interdisciplinary listing of PhD dissertations and Master's theses from around the world. Documents can be downloaded and (where available) the first dozen pages are available as a preview. Dissertations and theses published since includes an abstract written by the author The PhD oral examination Doctoral students must pass an oral examination on the subject of their thesis and matters relating to it before they may obtain their PhD degree. Here are the key tasks for preparing for and conducting the PhD oral examination. On this page Examination attendees Scheduling the oral examination · Thesis Information: Enter thesis title and abstract. Use the ‘Select File’ buttons to upload a PDF version of your thesis and ‘Approval to Proceed to PhD Thesis Examination’ form. Committee of Examiners: Enter the names, departments/units and email addresses of your examiners. Click ‘Submit’
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